Recent content by drb1992

  1. D

    Discussion Thread: Viking Legacy Preset Editor v0.9.7.0

    I am using the Odin's Raven
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    Discussion Thread: Viking Legacy Preset Editor v0.9.7.0

    ya same here, whats up?
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    JTAG KD Hack?

    For the most part your right. But your also wrong because here is a lobby that was just hosted today and the guy doesn't ask for any donations and doesn't even give his pay pal info to donate to him. The only people that got in were the ones who sent him a message, he tries to keep people from...
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    JTAG KD Hack?

    This website has tons of members who host free lobbys. Fuck TTG!
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    Why you shouldn't buy Activision's "Stimulus Package"

    I guarantee you that DICE or EA have to pay Microsoft to get BF's DLC free. Either that or they have some other kind of special deal with MS. Doesn't matter if you play Halo or not the point was, was that MW2 already comes with more maps than most FPS's out there. So having to pay for more isn't...
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    Why you shouldn't buy Activision's "Stimulus Package"

    It is actually pretty common for the developers to make all the maps that they are releasing for DLC before the game even comes out, and like in IW's case sometimes put them/some of them already on the disc. They do this not necessarily for more money (which they probably do get some out of it...
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    double xp April 2nd - 5th

    Really? Because of the DLC, read the first post. Why else would IW do double exp? They only did double exp twice in CoD4, once for the map pack and the 2nd was for the release of Hardcore HQ.
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    Why you shouldn't buy Activision's "Stimulus Package"

    They only mention the maps because that is all they know about lol. Not really complicated. And even if it does only come with maps I would easily pay 800 MS points just for crash because that was such an amazing map. Also even if I am wrong about there being other stuff in the DLC your still...
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    Why you shouldn't buy Activision's "Stimulus Package"

    All I got to say is that your a fucking idiot lol. First off, like you said its a stimulus package not a map pack. So don't you think they will be releasing more than just maps? Second Activision nor IW set the prices of DLC, its all Microsoft so don't be bitching about Activision when you don't...
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    If anyones interested

    lol I guess I will, hit me up with a FR my GT is DRB1992. I can show off my gold deagle, modded controller, and my 3rd weapon.
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    New mod from Evil Controllers!

    took evil controllers this long to catch up :lol:
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    10th prestige hate?

    I get hate all the time, especially since I'm 10th prestige, have 10th spinning emblem, gold deagle, 4th perk, 3rd weapon, and a modded controller lol.
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    WOOT! Got My Controller

    Ya I have read about that, can't wait for it to come out.
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    WOOT! Got My Controller

    Well I woke up yesterday (Monday the 15th) and as always turned my computer on and went to the bathroom. Come back my computer is on so like I have been doing for the past couple of days I check to see if there were any updates on my controller. To my surprise there was finally an update, its...