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  1. D

    WOOT! Got My Controller

    Well I woke up yesterday (Monday the 15th) and as always turned my computer on and went to the bathroom. Come back my computer is on so like I have been doing for the past couple of days I check to see if there were any updates on my controller. To my surprise there was finally an update, its...
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    Viking 360 get ready...

    Viking 360 get ready for a boost in sales. If you are wandering why then check out this person's video that I am subscribed to on youtube. If you look at how many subscribers he has you will see that he has over 44K subscribers. I also...
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    Just Ordered...

    I just ordered my Black Odin's Raven with orange LEDs and a 3.5mm jack. I am so excited and can't wait for it to arrive :D Hopefully it will arrive early next week.
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    Website Error

    Not sure where to put this but I guess in here is fine (that's what she said). Is anyone else getting this error message when they go to "This web site needs a different Google Maps API key. A new key can be generated at If you press OK it still...
  5. D

    Question for odingalt

    I sent this same question as a PM to you but I'm not sure how often you check your PM's so I figured I would post it here also. Sorry if I sound impatient but I am really eager to buy my Odin's Raven but I can't do that until I get an answer to my question. (not sure if this is the right section...
  6. D

    Irregularities with programming guides

    I have not bought a controller yet but I plan on buying an Odin's Raven soon, like this week. I was looking at the programming guides (video and text document) and noticed one small difference in the two. On the text guide it says "In the HID BootLoader program click on the box next to “Allow...