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  1. S


    If you guys are having problems getting cheaper chip sets let me know what you need. I live in Singapore and have many contacts in China who deal with chipsets. Please feel free to contact me if you would like for me to have a look and see if we can get them off the shelf for you or just have...
  2. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Ok just loaded it and checking it out thanks i am sure the 1000 views this thread has you have helped plenty of KD's go up! So on behalf of everyone using this thank you for the help and your time.
  3. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Hey Bone thanks for the feedback but I am not getting it to work at all and i have been 3 bar to 4 bar all day. Can you give me exactly what settings you are using so I can duplicate and see if my results change?
  4. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Definite beast mode on weapons swap!! I havent done the shield 57 combo yet but will get to it. Let me know what you come up with the aim assist. Oh and btw thaaaaanxs tons for the help so far!
  5. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Ok loading it up now will let you know how it goes. I take it I need to have shock charges in my class for this to work properly? Ok Bonefisher I tried this against bots as well on local with default setup for my class with shock charge equipped and aim assist is definitely 110% not there. I...
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    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    I also noticed alot of people are viewing this thread and I have been told aimbots are impossible for anything other than for the PC version of B ops. Well here is a link to a youtube video of a kid on a xbox 360 and if he can pull this off then we should be able to improve on what we can do in...
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    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    I dont play on a two bar unless I play with friends not a big deal its just to goof off and have fun. I play against a few *******s here that I know for sure have some form of assist if not a full blown aim bot, I have theater mode after every match with them and no one gets headshots with 57...
  8. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Just reloaded it and tried on bots on recruit and it definitely does not move to the target at all! in fact I would say I must be doing something wrong as this macro hinders me more than it helps all it really does is make my screen sort of vibrate when I ADS. bonefisher perhaps you could add...
  9. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    It 110% does not act like a magnet to a target for me. I have my game settings as follows- From dashboard I hit guide button-Settings/Profile/Game defaults/general-Difficulty-easy/none/none controller sensitivity-low then under Action Normal Left stick auto aim auto assist both on. I also have...
  10. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Ok I figured it out! It took a bit of playing with but it appears to be working somewhat. Aim assist is for sniping and basically what it does is give you a steady aim. IT DOES NOT ASSIST IN ACQUIRING TARGETS AT ALL!! If your having issues with it then tweak it out a bit small steps and try. For...
  11. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    Yes I am trying to use the aim assist macro not the zombie mode auto aim. I have all my settings on the game as required. low easy and on and on. In game setting I have aim assist on and my sensitivity on 8. It still just jitters left and right and my player is unable to move left and right its...
  12. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil Help

    I am feeling a bit let down with my purchase of the macro 360 controller for xbox. Seems the only macro that works properly is the auto run vkm. (Yes i am a noob here but i know the difference between a vks and a vkm file.) I am not lazy and have read about changing the timings to help...
  13. S

    Auto Aim and Anti Recoil?

    I am feeling a bit let down with my purchase of the macro 360 controller for xbox. Seems the only macro that works properly is the auto run vkm. (Yes i am a noob here but i know the difference between a vks and a vkm file.) I am not lazy and have read about changing the timings to help...
  14. S

    Help ( i maybe posting in wrong section with this)

    I am feeling a bit let down with my purchase of the macro 360 controller for xbox. Seems the only macro that works properly is the auto run vkm. (Yes i am a noob here but i know the difference between a vks and a vkm file.) I am not lazy and have read about changing the timings to help the...
  15. S

    is there a auto aim for multiplayer?

    I am feeling a bit let down with my purchase of the macro 360 controller for xbox. Seems the only macro that works properly is the auto run vkm. (Yes i am a noob here but i know the difference between a vks and a vkm file.) I am not lazy and have read about changing the timings to help the mods...