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  1. Dropshotzz nM

    Battlefield 4 and Black Ops 2

    Jus played a few with you tonight
  2. Dropshotzz nM

    I no longer have my dropshotzz nm account yu can find me at LT Smoke Trees

    I no longer have my dropshotzz nm account yu can find me at LT Smoke Trees
  3. Dropshotzz nM


    My cousin has the ragnarok. I have a macro but he tries to jitter the remington, he can do it but he has to press sprint and pull trigger at the same time i jus wanna kno if Viking staff members or anyome can make a jitter and post it for ppl with ragnaroks. Thanks
  4. Dropshotzz nM

    Looking for a clan have viking macro!!!!!

    Im looking for a clan!!!
  5. Dropshotzz nM

    Post your Xbox LIVE Gamer Tags HERE!

    Dropshotzz nM BUT IM ON >SMOKEALOTTAKUSH< for the night ran out of live on my other account :,( Heres a video of me raping wit jitter doe #BO2 come play
  6. Dropshotzz nM

    I have a new Jitter!

    that would be sweet af
  7. Dropshotzz nM

    I have a new Jitter!

    sprint jitter help me fix always have to be on the run WELL, the jitter i have is fast af but you cant move sideways or backwords plz help me get that out of it. i dont like always having to be on the move..
  8. Dropshotzz nM

    I have a new Jitter!

    WELL, the jitter i have is fast af but you cant move sideways or backwords plz help me get that out of it. i dont like always having to be on the move
  9. Dropshotzz nM

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Jitter

    sprint jitter i did end up with the sprint jitter lol i knew it wasn't the best or only one but it took me a while... plz share your other jitters i would like to have some other then jus XYY, YY, XYYXYY, XXY thanks
  10. Dropshotzz nM

    Black Ops II Macro Upload - Jitter

    I Have The jitter so if you wanna see it send me friend request GT. Dropshotzz nM
  11. Dropshotzz nM

    I have a new Jitter!

    I have a new Jitter shot (auto-burst) for the Remington (R870) come send me a friend request check it out.... GT. Dropshotzz nM
  12. Dropshotzz nM

    Xbox360 Viking Macro and Ragnarok Jitter

    i have the jitter for the R870