A few problems :S

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New Member
So I'll start off by saying, there should be NO problems with my controller. I've only probably used it for a total of 15 hours since buying it 2 1/2 months ago. I've kept it in bubble wrap and inside the box it came in specifically so nothing like this would happen, and it's never been dropped or had any other kind of damage done to it.

Now, on to what's wrong.
#1: The LEDs are funky on most colors (I'm not too upset about this, considering the thing has a Shhhhite load of colors). But for example, if I switch it to teal blue, LED1 is very VERY dim, and LED 4 is dim and dark, whereas the other LEDs are fine. Or when the LEDs should all be pink, LED1 is red.

#2: This is the big problem, and I hope I don't have to send in the controller to get it fixed. ANY mods I have installed simply aren't working (anymore. I've only had this problem since it randomly occurred about 2 weeks ago). It's hard to explain what happens but basically, I'll go to turn (let's say rapid fire) on. The LED lights up and I should be good to go, but no, it shoots a few shots quickly then the LED turns itself off, when I go to turn it back on it just won't work. So I take out my battery and put it back in, and then the problem happens again.
I've tried a different battery pack (both rechargeable and non-rechargeable) both of them being full battery life. I've also tried multiple different mods, like Gods Black Ops 2 set, and a few other rapid fire's.

So yeah, pretty weird and upsetting.


ModdingBros Representative
Deleated post. I will no longer post any tech support questions. I cannot resolve any hardware issues and neither can anyone else. These post should be left open for moderators or admin to assist the coustomer who os having issues. Posting suggestive staments even if your intentions are for good will only complicate matters worse. So please just leave it to the viking staff to resolve these issues.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
#2 is bizarre but can happen if you are using macros that were created with an old version of the software. Would try version or newer and recreate the macros.

#1 they can try "re seating" the aftermarket LED board at the shop by opening the controller.


New Member
Hey sorry it's been a few days, internet was out and the forums don't work with my phone. I re-downloaded and installed the macros, however the problem still occurs. So what's the next step? Just email you guys and you send instructions for sending in my controller? It should still be covered by the warranty. But only for a few more days :S


New Member
Do you guys at Viking use cheaper Leds by any means? Because I have the same problem, as you already know.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Do you guys at Viking use cheaper Leds by any means? Because I have the same problem, as you already know.

If you order custom LED's (for example you pick orange LED's), and the LED's do not work, it's not a case of "cheap LED's". It would be a case of installation error. Either the wire from the modchip to the LED came loose or is coming loose, or the tech did not apply enough solder to the new LED and the connection from the LED to the pad is poor.

Especially on the XBOX360 since the LED's are under a button, it may test out o.k. at the shop but then after the controller is powered up a couple dozen times the button pushes on the LED's and could uncover any flaws in the connection.

This is all speculation, we would have to diagnose it at the shop with the controller opened and in our hands to determine the actual cause and to correct the issue.

If you have issues with the LEDs on an XBOX360 Macro controller, then the above post does not apply to you.

I am now closing this post because it's been thread hijacked and not serving any purpose. If your LED's are broke, try fresh batteries. If that does not work, contact support to get them fixed.
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