Accuracy Mod?


New Member
A few months ago, when I was mod shopping (before I got my amazing Duo), I came across a few controllers that had a strange accuracy mod for Halo 3. For instance, stand at a distance with your assault rifle and then spray a wall and look at the bullets, and then turn the mod on and spray from the same distance. With the mod on, they would literally all be in 1 dot, and with-out it they were all over the wall. I didn't see a notice in speed of the assault rifle, and I'm not sure how he did it, but would it be possible to have that on the new Hex Editor? I'll have to go video hunting to find the video for you guys.


Useful Poster
I think this happens in games like halo where if you have rapidfire on, the gun acts like you start shooting then stop at every shot since you are pulling the trigger a bunch of times not holding it. so i think on those games the recoil doesnt come until the third or fourth bullet of holding the trigger


New Member
I've tried just having rapid fire on, I've tried 1sps and 50sps, along with a few presets but none of them seem to work. Can you post a video so others know what I'm talking about? I can't find it anywhere!