Active reload?


Active Member
There is an active reload for GOW3 in the macro library. I don't play gears of war, so can anyone tell me where active reloads are usually assigned to? The tac switch, X, RT, where? Sorry I don't know anything about gears of war.

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New Member
tac switch because you start with a rifle and a shotgun and pistol. So you can have 3 reloads if you use tac switches.


New Member
Look at the Macro Set v2.0 i posted under my thread Jets it has everything and more :) i used alot of you guys previous actives from gears 2 and just modified them abit :)

As well though you can really assign any reload to either a tac switch or the RB. The only difference with the tac switch macro is you need to add the FIRST initial button press, since you are not in fact hitting the button. All it is is a button press followed by like a 1.8second delay and a button press :)
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