Auto Burst Macros?


New Member
Just a quick question, are there any macros which allow for burst weapons - specifically say for the M8A1 and SWAT - to be fired as automatic weapons essentially (by reducing the pause time between bursts)? Moreover, in your experiences, do these two weapons tend to be more dangerous/high powered and lower recoil assault rifles?

Thanks :)
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Well-Known Member
You can put a fast rapid fire on these guns to make them pretty quick but they still will have the burst in them! They will have less recoil than having the select fire for auto!


New Member
Thanks for the quick reply Bonefisher :)

I've been reading a ton of threads and trying to get my head around how macros work within Black Ops 2. Another thing I wanted to ask, if you have a semi-automatic assault rifle with a rapid fire macro, does attaching select fire to the weapon (and thus making it a full-auto) and making a new rapid fire macro for this assault rifle, make it shoot faster? By that I mean, by attaching a select fire attachement, you increase the rate of fire of the gun, so does attaching a separate rapid fire macro to a full-auto assault rifle make it faster than a rapid fire semi-automatic assault rifle?


New Member
Thanks, did not know that LOL. So you're advice would be to stick to semi-auto instead of making it full-auto, as rate of fire is decreased? Got it! If I may ask, what's your personal class set-up (or rather, what guns/macros do you usually like to play with)?


Well-Known Member
Dsr with five/seven akimbo's.... Fal with tac 45 akimbo's ......Smr with B23R akimbo's..... M8A1 with excu akimbo's...... 870 shotgun...... I'm at work so when I get a chance I'll send some macro's to you!


New Member
Thanks for taking the time to reply Bonefisher; it's honestly a great help and I look forward to your macros! Also, I bet the excu akimbo's must make a few people rage :p


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Basically you want to use jitter to make a gun that is normally 3-round burst shoot more like a full auto. However I don't know if this is going to work in the latest BO2 since jitter was patched and then we made sprintjitter but that's only for the macro controller.

Anyway, it used to be that you would use jitter and that was the best way to speed up 3-round burst weapons.


New Member
Thanks for the reply Odingalt.

Anyway, it used to be that you would use jitter and that was the best way to speed up 3-round burst weapons.

That's exactly what I meant. So, was the jitter only patched for the shotguns? If not (i.e. jitter was patched for all weapons), could a working sprint jitter not be made for a 3 round burst weapon (on the macro controller of course)?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for the reply Odingalt.

That's exactly what I meant. So, was the jitter only patched for the shotguns? If not (i.e. jitter was patched for all weapons), could a working sprint jitter not be made for a 3 round burst weapon (on the macro controller of course)?

That is a good question. I assumed they patched the animation glitch on all guns that allow jitter to happen.

The new sprint jitter (it's also known as the jitterbug macro) may work to speed up 3-round burst weapons, I just haven't tested it out yet on 3-round burst weapons to see what happens.
Just letting you know that they didn't patch jitter on all the guns just the pump actions. So you can use any of the xyy jitters for the 3round bursts. Personally I don't see the point cause theres select fire to make them full auto, but that's just me.
It was only patched for the Remington 870 and KSG shotguns, the XYY Jitter still works for anything else... But using it on something like the M8a1 or another gun that you need to aim down the sights to kill anything is useless, jitter prevents you from using the sights after the first trigger pull... Jitter works on shotguns due to not having to aim down the sights to get kills


Well-Known Member
Right now the sprint jitter I made for the 870 and ksg! I can take a look at making it work for other guns!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It was only patched for the Remington 870 and KSG shotguns, the XYY Jitter still works for anything else... But using it on something like the M8a1 or another gun that you need to aim down the sights to kill anything is useless, jitter prevents you from using the sights after the first trigger pull... Jitter works on shotguns due to not having to aim down the sights to get kills

If you choose the right jitter for the 3-round burst gun you can still sort of aim. It de-scopes a little between bursts but that was the idea of offering a slow medium and fast jitter was to tune it in for the particular 3-round burst gun.

Thanks for the additional info, so I kind of have to laugh, it seems like they specifically patched shotgun jitter after I made that "suicide rush" video last year :)
E I tried to add you last night to Xbox live, I got a message saying " this person has the max amount of friends allowed " I got a chuckle out of that.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
E I tried to add you last night to Xbox live, I got a message saying " this person has the max amount of friends allowed " I got a chuckle out of that.

I've been maxed out for years. I have thousands of customers, and every one of them wants to add me as if I've got time to do a personal 1v1 with every customer we've ever sold a controller to :)
I've been maxed out for years. I have thousands of customers, and every one of them wants to add me as if I've got time to do a personal 1v1 with every customer we've ever sold a controller to

What a stud - I can only amagine logging into your account when you find time to play, you must get spammed with invites and rando mouth breathing messages asking if you want to PwN 5uM N00bz!