Auto spot isn't working


New Member
Hi, since there are no videos online, and the manual has no info on buttons, can somebody explain how to turn on auto spot without having to look down the sites of my rifle.


Well-Known Member
My understanding it's hold mod switch+RB+D Pad UP! I think! Don't have the new rag just the new berserker! Don't hold me to it! I believe it only works when you ADS! That is how I made one on the berserker anyway! Also you can't run this all the time if that is what your thinking that is why it is on your aim down sites button! Game doesn't allow it! You wouldn't be able to run if it was on all the time!
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Straight copy-and-paste from the manual:

Auto Spot

What is Auto Spot?

In Battlefield, you can help out your team by "spotting" an enemy. Once an enemy is spotted, he will
show up on your teammate's radar and you may even get extra points when that enemy is vanquished.
In Battlefield 4 on the new PS4 console, this is accomplished by manually pressing the right bumper
(throw tactical). The Auto Spot mod will take care of pressing this button for you whenever you scope
your weapon. The Auto Spot mod will spot enemies when you scope your weapon as this helps prevent
the BF4 anti-cheater filter from blocking your mod.

When your modded controller's Auto Spot mod is turned on, you no longer have to manually press
these buttons. Enemies will be automatically spotted (as the controller will automatically press the
spotting button for you) when you pull the left trigger.

How does Auto Spot work?

To turn on Auto Spotting, hold the mod switch and hold the throw tactical button, then tap the D-PAD
up. LED will glow YELLOW to let you know Auto Spot has been activated. Scope your weapon like
normal and the controller will spot enemies for you.

How do the different Auto Spot modes work?

Four different modes are available:

Mode 1: Auto spot only when gun is aiming.
Mode 2: Auto spot all the time.

To change auto spot to a different mode, hold the mod switch, hold the throw tactical button, hold the
D-PAD up, and then count the number of times the YELLOW LED blinks.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sure thing. Don't forget that when you are in the game lobby choosing your guy that autospot just spams the right bumper/r1 by default so if your class chooser is just constantly scrolling, turn off autospot, make your class selection, then turn autospot on again.