Berserker App not working (windows)

I am getting that error from the website and a different error for the app just telling me that it has trouble connecting to the forge server.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
A few months ago, we migrated away from the Heroku service to our own server. Update your bookmarks so that you are using this link to log into the forge

Our older apps will also try to connect to the Heroku service (instead of Viking's servers). Try the latest and greatest version of the app, they are updated to connect direct to Viking servers instead:

The old link to was left in service for folks who didn't have a chance to update their bookmarks and their apps, but that old Heroku service can be sketchy (down at times). You will get better reliability and up times by updating your bookmarks and your apps.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Yeah sorry about that. I left the old service running and procrastinated on trying to notify everybody. I figured eventually the old service would die and customers would end up coming here (or putting in support tickets), and then that would be a good time to notify everybody to upgrade.