Black Ops 2 Freezing stats while using MOD CONTROLLER

I have noticed recently when using my Macro Mod Controller for xbox 360 for FAL rapid fire my stats are frozen. Meaning, my kills, deaths and KD does not record after each game. Somehow they are able to track when a mod is being used for rapid fire. My guess is they changed the in game code so that if you do not have select fire as attachment, and you are using rapid fire mod, it detects you are modding.

I then changed to a normal controller, used some other weapon and eventually (not sure how many days it takes), my stats start working again. But as soon as I start using the Macro Mod Controller with FAL rapid fire, my stats stop recording and are frozen.

Anybody else noticing this?


New Member
What exactly do you mean? I've just finished playing Black Ops 2 with the Rapid-Fire FAL, and it's all working perfectly fine - i.e. my stats are being tracked as normal.

This is likely just an issue on your end Gunxlinger - perhaps contact Treyarch, but obviously don't mention the Rapid-Fire mod.
Maybe I had complaints from other players, therefore tracked somehow since then. I can only speak from my experience, but my stats get frozen when using Macro Mod controller with FAL, then if I use normal controller for a few days, my stats eventually start recording again. But like I said before, as soon as I start using my Mod controller my stats get frozen.
I use Jets fastest FAL with speed set to 2.5. I have his humanized version but not as good. If I had to step down to humanized, I might as well pass on the whole mod idea since my analog sticks are on their last legs (squishy and hard to use now) and I only use Mod controller for FAD, no others. I have a Scuf too, which works great and do fine with it, just no rapid fire. The wireless analog's are garbage vs wired. For some reason MSFT used cheaper parts or something in the wireless vs wired.


New Member
Again, this is only happening to you mate and thus is likely a problem with your account, not the macro or indeed you being reported. I've no doubt been reported too, and I still use NYJet's recent RF macro for the FAL and everything has been working fine these past few days - i.e. everything in terms of stats are working correctly. You should contact 3arc about it perhaps, or better yet, maybe create a new/temp account and see if the problem still keeps happening on that account as well.

Also, Bonefisher/Gunxlinger, what is the fastest FAL RF macro? Is it not the one that NYJets made a few weeks ago? Thanks :)


Well-Known Member
You just have to find a rapid fire responds for your connection! I pretty much have had all RFs run neck to neck other than one starting off faster than the other! My akimbo RF is what I feel starts off faster than others but the down fall is when you hip fire it throws you off a little! But I like running around with akimbo's ! Jets is a great RF just bump it up or down for your connection!
It is not just me and my account. I started a new account and sure enough, when I use the Macro controller, the game type stats will not update (kills/deaths and KD etc). My overall Combat Record stats will update with KD but if you play any game type (KC, TDM etc) stats will be frozen and not update. Look at your Kills and Deaths in lobby leaderboard right before you start game. Take note of the numbers. After finishing the game, go look in lobby leaderboard again, you will notice none of your stats changed (frozen while using Macro controller). Your overall combat record will update but not individual game type stats. Soon after using a normal non-Macro controller my stats for game type update. Try for yourself as I just outlined above. Please comment afterwards. It appears Treyarch has a black box stat program (Vondehaar mentioned) that is also watching for "out of range" fire rate etc. and will detect, then freeze game type stats until they come back into a normal range using a regular non-modded controller. I urge all to try and see what happens.
With the thousands of modded controllers out there, I have a hard time believing I am the only that was singled out by Treyarch to have this stat issue as explained above. No comment please unless you have tried for yourself and have a Macro controller. And if you do test as I explain above, then please let me know what your results are. If you didn't try it out, don't waste your time commenting as you don't have anything to add without testing it for yourself.
I have a macro controller, and I play every night with no issue.. I think your just a special case............................of stupid


New Member
First, calm with the attitude Gunxlinger; people are trying to help you, so show them some appreciation.

As I said before, this is just you. I was playing this morning, using the FAL RF macro - and not even the humanised version (i.e. it would have easily been detected as a macro/mod if 3arc had some fire-rate system in place) - and everything went perfectly fine. As it has done ever since I used the macro.

For example, prior to playing a game of TDM, I had 2490 Kills and 1800 Deaths. I played a game with the FAL RF macro and went 20-4, checked my stats thereafter, and they were 2510 Kills and 1804 Deaths. As expected. Whatever is going on, as I said before, it's something on your console/account mate, not with the macro controller itself.


ModdingBros Representative
Try calling Tryarc or activison and ask the main sourse of whats happening with your account. Im 99.99% u will not get banned for using a modded controller. Im sure they are aware that a huge portion of gamers use modded controllers and as long as your not doing any internal system hacking they should be able to to find out whats causing your issue. Im sure if they thought u were cheating they would do far worse than freezing your stats like slapping a ban on your console.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Ok ok everybody just calm down let's not pick on Gunslinger he is putting up an honest question and asking for our help. I'm ok with just making this a straight reporting thread so here's my report:

I have a macro controller and played with akimbo mod and sprint jitter on and am not experiencing any issues with frozen stats.


New Member
Dude, I get soo much hate when I use my rapid fire for my FAL or .57 Pistol. Always hear you cheater, you modder. Bottom line I think is, if Treyarch wanted to stop Rapid Fire they would permanently try to patch it. So forget the haters. We should put together a Rapid Fire crew for some TDM on Xbox live? Message me back if interested?
Thanks Odingalt. I was just trying to cut through the garbage and ask for feedback from others that actually tested the stat issue I seem to have. On a side note, I did log in to my sons xbox with my gamertag and used the Macro controller. The stats were updating properly......very odd. I formatted my HDD on my xbox twice and still get frozen stats. Oh well, at this point not a problem. I Master Prestiged in the first month of release and put up large stats since. Looking forward to new xbox and hopefully a Macro controller for the new system............Viking Macro controller is outright beast, a must have to up the fun factor for COD!


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks gunxlinger. If you make any progress on this issue please post back.

We have a lot of really exciting things planned for the next gen of consoles. We are definitely going to take what we've learned modding so far and do better. It's too late now to make any sort of substantial improvements to macro or Ragnarok or any of the other controllers, but we get to start from scratch all over again. The market is brutal now - we had to make some drastic cuts last month to keep the doors open. Sales just went down the toilet as soon as rumors started flying about a new gen of consoles. It's hit all our competitors and our wholesale customers as well. Makes it hard to keep the bills paid, let alone try to find funding for development of our new modchip for XBOX720 / PS4. It's going to be a long and brutal year with 6 more months to go ... :-( but we are going to hang on and come back with a vengeance on the new gen.


Well-Known Member
I have a lot of ideas for the new controller! Hey I did hear a while back that they had hacks in the game to mess with scores!