custum speeds for 3 and 5 round burst

quick xlegendzx

New Member
i mean the custom speed for the three and five burst like theres an option of preset and custom cuz i want to use the 3 and 5 burst for cod 5 and cod6


New Member
ok the 3 and 5 burst mode means it shoots 3 or 5 bullets ONLY every time you pull the trigger. Basically it's the same as rapid fire so use the recommended speeds


On W@W you can up the speed for the bursts, as long as you don't do too many bursts in a row it won't mod block you.
PS3andCOD said:
On W@W you can up the speed for the bursts, as long as you don't do too many bursts in a row it won't mod block you.

What about for MW2? What would be a good speed suggestion for the custom burst mode? I tried 13 sps for the 3 round burst but it didn't work out so I'm assuming something lower...