Firmware Version


New Member
This isn't a huge thing but I noticed when you download the firmware it downloads a file called "Viking Firmware" and the website lists it as "Firmware v0.8.4.1b". As I said it is a really minor thing and I am unsure which is actually named incorrectly but I thought it was worth mentioning.


Active Member
HippieMagic said:
This isn't a huge thing but I noticed when you download the firmware it downloads a file called "Viking Firmware" and the website lists it as "Firmware v0.8.4.1b". As I said it is a really minor thing and I am unsure which is actually named incorrectly but I thought it was worth mentioning.



Active Member
NYjetsNY1 said:
HippieMagic said:
This isn't a huge thing but I noticed when you download the firmware it downloads a file called "Viking Firmware" and the website lists it as "Firmware v0.8.4.1b". As I said it is a really minor thing and I am unsure which is actually named incorrectly but I thought it was worth mentioning.


Thanks for pointing this out.


New Member
No problem, I only noticed it because I checked the firmware on my desktop and saw it was a lower number which made me assume new firmware had been released. Upon starting a download I saw that it was just labeled incorrectly.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Lol I thought I fixed this awhile back. I think I incorrectly labeled the file but I think you are indeed getting the when you download. I will have to fix this when I get home, I'm out of town this weekend and don't have my FTP access details.