FPS Freeks


New Member
Has anyone here ever used FPS freeks? It is like an extension to the analog stick you can see it at kontrolfreek.com
But anyways what are your opinions on them?


New Member
ive used them before i think they suck! cuz i didnt get use to them but they do increase your aim and stuff. you just gotta get use to them

EviiL sKiiLz

New Member
Personally i think they are pretty good.Not only do they improve your aim and accuracy,but also help your sniping aswell.If you need more help go on youtube and search for fps freeks there's tons of videos on there


New Member
I just got them in the mail about a week ago, they help with your sensitivity I play on ten so they made it even easier to play on, but it wasn't a huge difference. I personally only use the right fps tho. I like the feel of fps sticks better than ps3 and 360 sticks. They r only $10 plus if you get a promo code they go down to $8 and promo codes are super easy to get. So why wouldn't you get them.