Halo 4, anyone?


New Member
What are the specifics or what is needed to create jitter for a weapon? I have looked at, loaded a lot of different macros from other games, editing several of the loaded macros with no luck. I have made a rapidfire macro but thats it. Can or has anyone successfully made a jitter mod for the assault rifle? I know I have come across a few gamers with a sped up fire rate for the assault rifle which led me to believe it is possible. I know a lot of you guys and gals play Call Of Duty, so my question- Is it just that nobody else cares enough to make macros for Halo 4 or is it just not possible? Any responses would be greatly appreciative.
I'm sure there is exploits possible, but not anough people are playing Halo 4 here to find them. I would search around google and see what people are doing.


the best stuff for halo 4 would be a BXR or BXB macro set, ive seen a video of someone doing them and they have the inputs on the vid as well.


ModdingBros Representative

I will try to figure these out. I.D.K if they are already patched. I dont play this game but i have it. Maybe ill do it manually then record and playback and touch up the timeline. So hopefully I can bring these mods to the community.

Update: I couldent get any of these combinations to work like the video. Im not sure what setup your even supposed to use with this? I only tried for about 15 min. I couldent stand this game. Its just so boring. Sorry if that offends anyone its just my opinion and dosent mean anything.
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New Member
There are two so called tutorial videos out there for the bxb & bxr I think both are fake as I have tried as well. In my opinion Halo is very competitive not boring and hard to make macros for at that.


yeah i have 2 of them now lol but one is messed up and i have to ship it back to them. i havent messed with halo4 though i cant stand it