Help downloading recorded macro


New Member
Ok, I wanted to know after you record a macro how do you downloaded the recorded macro into the timeline editor so it can be modified or if this not possible to do then what is the purpose for recording macros thanks


Once you have recorded a macro, connect your controller to the Pc and open the Viking software & the recorded macro should be on the tact switch you selected for it to playback on when pressed and then you can open it in the time line editor and edit/change it how you wish!


New Member

I will try that. I wish they would post a video it would make things easier from the get go. Oh do i need to push the play back button or press the export but on the bottom left for for the macro to be available when i go to the editor button on the play back button.
You need to click the button with the arrows away from controller, and it'll show up as "recorded.vkm" on the playback switch you assigned it to on the macro assignment page.