Help ( i maybe posting in wrong section with this)


New Member
I am feeling a bit let down with my purchase of the macro 360 controller for xbox. Seems the only macro that works properly is the auto run vkm. (Yes i am a noob here but i know the difference between a vks and a vkm file.) I am not lazy and have read about changing the timings to help the mods, but I am coming up with nothing after about 2 days worth of work, reading and watching youtube videos.

When I use this macro my screen seems to jitter left and right very slightly and never moves to the target or moves with the player when they run by. Any hints on how to tweak this so it will work for me on multiplayer BO 2 ( its my primary game)? I normally run a 2 bar connection on US servers and 3 bar locally(Japanese or Korean) unless im actually playing in a Singapore based server then I 4 bar. I live in Singapore and I am tired of getting my *** kicked by people with a evil controller. I bought this controller as I like the idea of being able to edit as games come out ie MW Ghosts etc.

Is there a master macro or mod such as the one you can get with Evil controllers? I am keen to use an auto aim and anti recoil but mostly what I am finding here is just RF mods??

Any help guys? Or a push in the right direction? Any and all help is very much appreciated.
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Try game specific macros/black ops II. I recommend looking at NYjets and modding bros posts they are locked for a reason. You can adjust macros if lag is a problem try adjusting speed a little. The Viking has a learning curve, but once you figure out the basics you'll never look for another controller. Their are some great instructional videos on official site as well.


New Member
In addition to nyjets and modding brothers try bonefishers macros, they are amazing. He will help anyone. There are some great macro makers on the forum. I am noob at this but those guys are really helpful!