Help with a rapid fire.

Spliffs is Dead

New Member
Hey guys, I am trying to get a rapid fire going on my A button. I would prefer if it doesn't required to be on a tac switch. I just want to be able to hold down the A button. I would also like to have my Duel rapid triggers in just the RT, so its only the RT I pull instead of both triggers.

If any one would like to help me, it would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
You can't make it so you just hold A button to turbo.

The best you can do is make it so you press A-button once and A-button will turbo itself automatically, then you have to press button-A again to make it stop turboing.

Or else you have to assign it to a tac switch so you have to hold down the tac switch to make button-A turbo.


ModdingBros Leader
You can't make it so you just hold A button to turbo.

The best you can do is make it so you press A-button once and A-button will turbo itself automatically, then you have to press button-A again to make it stop turboing.

Or else you have to assign it to a tac switch so you have to hold down the tac switch to make button-A turbo.

Really why not?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's the way a Microsoft "CG" circuit board works. When you physically hold down the Button-A, you are shorting a pin to ground. When the pin is shorted to ground, the controller interprets it as a button press. There's no way for my modchip to "unshort" the pin, if you are holding down the button.

So if you are just sitting there holding the button down, no matter what my modchip tries to do, the controller just interprets it as a long holding button press.


ModdingBros Leader
Oh gotcha I realized it right when I started reading it. Well I guess that ones ruined unless he wants it on a tac switch.