Mr jets. And the mighty macro's

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Hi, it's Emma again. Just wanted to know if you could make these for me when ever you get the chance,, a **5 to 6 shot round burst for the mk4 with rapid fire attachment. Tac button..**a drop to prone and then stand again all in one go for tactical users. Tac button.**a quick change between weapons. I use quick draw pro as the second perk and my primary weapon is mk4 with rapid fire attachment, an my secondary is skorpion.. Assign to button yThese are the macros that I need. There good macros..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Unfortunately in this tough economy Jet's official last day was already up this month. We've made some cutbacks including letting NYJets go. :-( That and we're basically sold out of macro controllers, so economy + no new sales = you'll have to hit up the tutorial video library and get a little more familiar with the timeline editor.
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