Possible to program a tac button for jump


New Member
Is this possible on the odins raven using the preset editor? I would love to have one tac switch for the dropshot and the other for a jump shot. Being able to do both of these without taking my fingers off the stick intests me almost as much as the rapid fire. There is a guy doing this on ebay, but his controllers are not wireless or programmable.

thanks in advance for info.


New Member
aquacure said:
Is this possible on the odins raven using the preset editor? I would love to have one tac switch for the dropshot and the other for a jump shot. Being able to do both of these without taking my fingers off the stick intests me almost as much as the rapid fire. There is a guy doing this on ebay, but his controllers are not wireless or programmable.

thanks in advance for info.

Dropshot is not a problem. But I believe A is the jump button on mw2(Correct me if I'm wrong) If that's the case the A button is INPUT only and not able to preform macros.
Not sure if you can remap the face buttons in the options to make jump another button. It's been like 2 months since I played I forgot the button assignments lol


New Member
Yup I believe you are correct, A to jump. I guess I'm still a novice at how this works as I thought all the dropshot option did was put the B button function on the tac and therefor the B should be the same as A. But thinking about it I guess it is actually a 1 push of the tac button puts the man prone instead of having to hold the B button or the right thumb stick down so i guess something else is going on.



Dropshot holds B when you hit the tac, but jump won't work because the current viking chip is unable to press the A button at all.


Useful Poster
exactly. on the viking microchip there are two buttons that are input only and those are the a button and right thumbstick. that is why odingalt cannot create a drop shot for tactical layout. the viking chip can recognize the button is being pressed but cannot send the signal back to the button. so a and right thumbstick cannot be incorporated to macros like irish said