precision aiming



With the new anti recoil beta would it be possible to lower the sensitivity of the stick during ADS?

I never had a chance to try out the cod controller but it has precision aiming which sounds like an awesome concept. 10 sensitivity but you can have that lowered when you pull the left trigger and ADS.

If the stick can be manipulated for anti-recoil could this work at some point?


Active Member
njmike said:
With the new anti recoil beta would it be possible to lower the sensitivity of the stick during ADS?

I never had a chance to try out the cod controller but it has precision aiming which sounds like an awesome concept. 10 sensitivity but you can have that lowered when you pull the left trigger and ADS.

If the stick can be manipulated for anti-recoil could this work at some point?

Somewhat yes, which is what I do on my anti-recoils for the high sensitivity.
NYjetsNY1 said:
njmike said:
With the new anti recoil beta would it be possible to lower the sensitivity of the stick during ADS?

I never had a chance to try out the cod controller but it has precision aiming which sounds like an awesome concept. 10 sensitivity but you can have that lowered when you pull the left trigger and ADS.

If the stick can be manipulated for anti-recoil could this work at some point?

Somewhat yes, which is what I do on my anti-recoils for the high sensitivity.

So would it be possible to make a rapid fire macro(8.9sps) for a sensitivity level of 3 but when aiming down the sights have it dropped to level a 2???

No anti-recoil needed, the sole purpose of a macro like this it to play at a higher sensitivity but enable you to have better aim when ADS


I don't think it is possible right now. I am pretty new at the macro thing but I think I have the theory down.

It would need a few components that the software does not currently have

You would need to:

- Be able to control the stick for each direction independently left, right, up and down (not just simple X, Y axis)
- Create a macro for minimal press for each direct and set the duration for a long time (won't matter how long since it will end when you return the left stick)
- Be able to active the macros from the left trigger or use a tac switch

Unless the creator could do something with the firmware to allow this which would be awesome because than it would be a function you could toggle on or off and just use the software to define a percentage of the rate to slow it down during left trigger or one of the tac switches.

I think it would be a feature that the community would be really excited about. I am confident that the hardware could do it. It just maybe a software limitation for now.

I am sure someone with more experience than me will hop in and correct me if I am wrong.


Active Member
NJ you are mostly correct, but we aren't getting this feature. Sorry.

It is possible to make into a macro and put it on LT but it won't be very beneficial, the aiming will vibrate and not be good.