ragnarok for uncharted 3


New Member
hey guys,

just want to know if you your pad is compatible for uncharted 3 and what sort of advantages would it give you, faster reload? faster shooting?

or can/are you designing one for this game?



Well-Known Member
Staff member
I've never played Uncharted 3, I'm afraid I can't give an answer. I'm assuming rapidfire would at least keep you from having to keep pulling the right trigger to shoot, or are the guns already full auto in that game?


New Member
there are a few non single shot guns which i believe it could influence, how does the rapid affect the automatic weapons? can you guys test it on this game?

please see the pm i sent you


I have it and the non-USB Ragnarok... I'm pretty busy with school lately and I haven't played U3 yet (my brother bought it) but I'll ask my brother about it and get back to you.


New Member
that would be great, can you tell me how it affects automatic weapons aswell as single fire weapons and also whether the faster reload works too, many thanks in advance :)


Fast reloads are COD specific, there is little to no chance they work. Especially because it doesn't use the same buttons as COD on the default control set up anyways... I have a lot of homkework so I still haven't played, but my brother said he would try it sometime, so...