Reassignment of Sprint and other advanced modes


New Member
I am new to the modded controller community. I just received the Programmable PS3 controller this past weekend. I searched through the literature provided with the controller but could not find info on Sprint. I searched some other threads and found what I think are directions for reassigning the sprint function to L3 = Hold TAC switch, Hold R2, Move L3 forward and Tap L1 while moving L3 forward. Is this correct?

Are there any other special feature with tricky enabling functions like Sprint? If there are, could you fill me in on them or point me in the right direction?

Thanks, MisterBedrock


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Hi! The best instructions are included within the software. Download the windows software for your USB-programmable PS3 Ragnarok from the website. From the instructions:

What is Auto Sprint? The Auto Sprint mod is designed for Call of Duty games. Are you tired of constantly mashing the left thumbstick to make your soldier sprint? Now you don't have to!

To enable auto spring, hold down the mod switch and hold the throw lethal button, then tap your sprint button. Player 3 LED will twinkle and then stay lit to let you know that this special feature has been activated.

When Auto Sprint is enabled, all you have to do to make your soldier sprint is flick your scope button. Now you'll never have to press your left thumbstick again.


New Member
I am new to the modded controller community. I just received the Programmable PS3 controller this past weekend. I searched through the literature provided with the controller but could not find info on Sprint. I searched some other threads and found what I think are directions for reassigning the sprint function to L3 = Hold TAC switch, Hold R2, Move L3 forward and Tap L1 while moving L3 forward. Is this correct?

Are there any other special feature with tricky enabling functions like Sprint? If there are, could you fill me in on them or point me in the right direction?

Thanks, MisterBedrock

I had the same confusion. What you want to do is hold the TAC switch while pressing the R2 and tap the L3 (should light up and stay lit). Once in the game, all you have to do is tap the L1 while moving your L3 button and you should auto sprint.

Hope this helps.
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