Recording Feature


New Member
Hiya guys, just wanted to ask couple of things:

-Can you assign the record/playback tac to all tacs? So you have multiple record/play switches? I am wanting to record 6 different inputs and play them back 1 by 1, is this possible?

-Related to my question above, how long can you record on each tac switch? Or if the above is not possible, how long can u record on the one switch

modded matt

Active Member
E will need to answer this properly, but to my knowledge the answer your looking for is yes/no. I dont believe you will be able to do this all on the controller, but you could record your macro, upload and save the recorded file, record and save another, and another until you have them all, then go back to the pc software and create a new mod set assiging your saved comb to each tact.

I am a bit foggy on the macro software as it has been a while since I used it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Sadly you stuck to recording one macro at a time only. Record once... stop... go upload it to the computer.... reset... go record another macro.