repair work

modded matt

Active Member
this post is mainly for fred.

I have been getting inquaries from this site as well as acidmods of people requesting custom macro and legacy installs as well as repair work to thier controllers. I have no problem with this. I generally spend my time developing or testing new mods. I generally refur them back here. to fred in us and ben in uk.

is this the correct way to handle this? I am capable of the work, but dont want to step on any toes.


Active Member
Yes. I was recently told that they were to be the only custom work people. As far as any issues though with your controller (worn analogs, etc), leave a support ticket. If you have a problem accessing the support-ticket section on , then pm odingalt for an account (if you have a controller).

You can only get a fix if you directly purchased from . No "My friend-gave this to me" stories.


Active Member
Double MM, it really doesn't bother me at all. I also get PM's/emails all the time from people but most of them are just flakes anyways... So what is, is what is;You Know....

modded matt

Active Member
yea, jets I can handle my own. lol ...maybe, I might be able to atleast open the controller if I am careful...JK

yea, fred, I do this work as a hobby not to make any money, most of the custom controllers I do, I do as charity work. So I send them back here as previously stated.

Here is a pic of my latest controller created for a young man with severe CP. Ben heck took a stab at this and came out with a god awful looking mod.

and here is the story: ... 180.0.html