Software update?

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Last I heard the new software update was to hit around the 24th or 25th of December then I heard around new years.
Any word when we might see it?


Active Member
It was made, but then decided too buggy to be released. Hold on, patience, sorry it is taking so long but the analogs are a nasty bug!


NYjetsNY1 said:
It was made, but then decided too buggy to be released. Hold on, patience, sorry it is taking so long but the analogs are a nasty bug!
I never rush a good thing. I can't imagine the hard work you guys must be putting into it.
I have to say I appreciate you and I use your anti-recoil rapid fire on the m-14 and love it.
Thanks for your hard work.


Active Member
johnny8s said:
NYjetsNY1 said:
It was made, but then decided too buggy to be released. Hold on, patience, sorry it is taking so long but the analogs are a nasty bug!
I never rush a good thing. I can't imagine the hard work you guys must be putting into it.
I have to say I appreciate you and I use your anti-recoil rapid fire on the m-14 and love it.
Thanks for your hard work.

Glad to know. Once we get the analogs fixed, i'll make an improved (not perfect) m14 anti-recoil for MOST sensitivities.

Once the analogs are fixed, and the NEXT software update is out i'll make a PERFECT m14 anti-recoil for ALL sensitivities.


Active Member
johnny8s said:
Throw an approximate date out there for me on the next big update and I'll leave you alone about it.

The good news is that they are packaging this into one big update. It is set for this month, but you may not see it until the end of February. Hopefully this month. I saw the beta- the analogs are still messed up but I can make an anti-recoil PERFECT one... as soon as the analogs are fixed. 3-shot improved bursts will be here... but I haven't seen the x/y disabling feature.

As soon as the analogs are fixed it will come out.


New Member
johnny8s said:
Throw an approximate date out there for me on the next big update and I'll leave you alone about it.

Best person to ask is odingalt, other than him no one here knows the release date since he's the only one here working on it, he'll tell you everything you need to know whether you're a moderator or not. No offense to any of the moderators here but I don't know why some people here are moderators. You have some people here that are very knowledgeable but you hardly see them around here anymore and then you have the people who like to post useless s--t and I think odingalt just made them a mod to keep the forums alive, since they are here 24/7. Most of the questions on these forums have been answered several times, use the search button. Anyways shoot odingalt a pm.


Active Member
LoveKillzSlowly said:
johnny8s said:
Throw an approximate date out there for me on the next big update and I'll leave you alone about it.

Best person to ask is odingalt, other than him no one here knows the release date since he's the only one here working on it, he'll tell you everything you need to know whether you're a moderator or not. No offense to any of the moderators here but I don't know why some people here are moderators. You have some people here that are very knowledgeable but you hardly see them around here anymore and then you have the people who like to post useless s--t and I think odingalt just made them a mod to keep the forums alive, since they are here 24/7. Most of the questions on these forums have been answered several times, use the search button. Anyways shoot odingalt a pm.

Best person to ask is odingalt


other than him no one here knows the release date since he's the only one here working on it, he'll tell you everything you need to know whether you're a moderator or not.

Also True.

You have some people here that are very knowledgeable but you hardly see them around here anymore

Very True.

and then you have the people who like to post useless s--t and I think odingalt just made them a mod to keep the forums alive, since they are here 24/7.

Not true man, not all of my posts are useless. Some, maybe, but everyone has some useless stuff... Anything Goes literally means ANYTHING GOES. I post whatever I want in there.
Otherwise, have you seen my macros, the helpful stuff I do to help people get their software fixed, controller fixed, etc? Maybe you don't use your controller in Black Ops, but I do as well as a ton of other people. That is why I am moderator.

Most of the questions on these forums have been answered several times, use the search button. Anyways shoot odingalt a pm.

Also True.


New Member
I actually never mentioned any names. Most people here need to use the search feature. You do answer a lot of questions that have already been answered, people here need to learn how to search. You aren't the only one that has made a macro for Black Ops. For some reason you have your own posts stickied. It's funny though because you were bugging me sending me so many messages not too long ago asking me to help you and I answered all your random questions..


Active Member
LoveKillzSlowly said:
I actually never mentioned any names. Most people here need to use the search feature. You do answer a lot of questions that have already been answered, people here need to learn how to search. You aren't the only one that has made a macro for Black Ops. For some reason you have your own posts stickied. It's funny though because you were bugging me sending me so many messages not too long ago asking me to help you and I answered all your random questions..

Well at any rate some of my own posts are worth stickying. If you think they aren't report them and I'll take a look to see if they should be unstickied. I bugged you a while ago, before I knew how to do anything. And now I answer everyone else's random questions. Yes, people do need to know how to search, but they are entitled to post a question.


New Member
Yes but as your job as a moderator you should post a link to the question that has already been answered and lock the thread. The forums are getting cluttered with BS.
I also help people when I can but I am hardly on here anymore, don't need to be a moderator for that as I see no benefits in being a mod anyways. I am able to test any macro on any game. I currently own over 200+ games and get mostly all games before release date. People don't seem to want to use this controller to it's full potential they just want to use it on Call of Duty. IMHO waste of $200 just for a game or two. I'm sure some people will agree with me on that, but the fact that you can actually use it in games such as fighting games makes this an incredible controller to have since you aren't limit to just one type of genre. Who the hell ever heard of people using modded controllers on Street Fighter? If people wanted to see macros on other games I will gladly be willing to help but so far only Call of Duty.


Most of the questions on these forums have been answered several times, use the search button.
The first thing I did was use the search bar. To me that seems much faster than signing in and posting and then having to wait for a reply.
I feel that as a customer I should be able to post useless s$%t seeing as how there is no customer support via phone which is understandable and as far as I'm concerned Jets has been going beyond the call of duty (pun intended) to help out and give ideas for us to tweak for ourselves. Now as far as this pissing contest between who knows more than who and who has more posts I could give a rats ass. This whole forum belongs to the customer. Lock it down.


Active Member
johnny8s said:
Most of the questions on these forums have been answered several times, use the search button.
The first thing I did was use the search bar. To me that seems much faster than signing in and posting and then having to wait for a reply.
I feel that as a customer I should be able to post useless s$%t seeing as how there is no customer support via phone which is understandable and as far as I'm concerned Jets has been going beyond the call of duty (pun intended) to help out and give ideas for us to tweak for ourselves. Now as far as this pissing contest between who knows more than who and who has more posts I could give a rats butt. This whole forum belongs to the customer. Lock it down.

Thanks for the complement. I try to help and yeah the forum DOES belong to the customer. The customer is always right, being rude to the customer NEVER helps.

Also, I found out all of the features (x-y disabling, loop options etc,) they are in the software beta I have but the analogs are still messed up. It depends on how long it takes to fix these... If it is quick it should be done this month, if not, then next, but my ETA would be 1-3 weeks.


New Member
Sorry to intervene here, but i just kind of wanted to voice my opinion on this.

Being a moderator to me isn't about being able to delete/edit/sticky/moderate posts that people make. Sure that is an added responsibility that i'm willing to take, but people generally behave pretty well on these forums which is something that i'm grateful for. Throughout my experiences in online forums, people tend to look towards moderator's for the answers to their questions. When they see the little moderator symbol or colored name along with an answer they generally feel more assured. That's what being I view being a moderator as, a position where you can help people out and they will generally trust what you have to say.

I'm not saying that what Moderators have to say is more important than any other member on the forum. Keep in mind though that when things are done, they're generally done to help forum members. If a post is stickied, the moderator likely thought it would be useful to somebody who might not otherwhys see it. Everybody contributes in their own way, and yes sometimes Moderators do make mistakes. We're just as human as anybody else and sometimes see things differently than others.

LoveKillzSlowly said:
No offense to any of the moderators here but I don't know why some people here are moderators. You have some people here that are very knowledgeable but you hardly see them around here anymore and then you have the people who like to post useless s--t and I think odingalt just made them a mod to keep the forums alive, since they are here 24/7. Most of the questions on these forums have been answered several times, use the search button.

-sorry to single out your post, but you posed an interesting argument and i wanted to share my opinion on it a bit.

I don't see anything wrong with wanting to keep the forums alive. The forums is supposed to be a place where people can come to for help and see what's going on in the viking community. Having moderators that consistently check the forums isn't a bad thing at all, if moderators only checked the forums once every week or so, then the forums could quickly get out of hand. Odingalt can't be the only person moderating the forums and nor should he be. You have to remember that moderators don't get paid, we don't get secret benefits, we simply do it because we enjoy helping people, or at least that's the reason I have.

My overall point is, we shouldn't be fighting with each other or chewing each other out. These forums were designed to be a place where people could come ask others for help with their controllers or communicate with each other. I don't feel like so much judgement should be placed on people simply because they contribute in different ways.


Active Member
Wow obo, a very interesting, true, and well thought-out post. I think this thread should be locked, no more arguing. Everyone just be patient odingalt is trying his best for a software update.
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