Tactile Switch Suggestions?

Hello Viking Community i Recently have started installing Mod Chips in Xbox one controllers but i have ran out of Switches and the only ones i could find are massive. If you have a Suggestion on some switches that are small and easy to click please post below thank you! :)


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Staff member
Try digikey, go to www.digikey.com and search for "tac switch", now you need to find something I think about 6-7mm tall in order to poke through the shell which is somewhere betwee 2-4mm tall depending on where you drill plus maybe an extra 1mm if the tac switch doesn't lay flush with the surface. There will be a million options but all are cheap, order more different models than you need and try them all out. Since some of what you order will end up not fitting right :-(. Anyway the parameters to check:

Diameter of the button
Height of the overall button
Stiffness of the button (they put this in grams or newtons, I believe our tac switches are 160g stiffness)