Update Viking


New Member
Noting the controller 360 and ONE. I see you have the same buttons to play. It would be interesting for a paid service you exchange the control chip from my old 360 to a new ONE. It would be a method to reward owners viking.

If the new controller costs $ 60 and $ 60 labor. A service for $ 150 would be acceptable.


ModdingBros Representative
The controller Guts between the two are very very different my friend. There is no way of just switching the macro chip over. It dissent work that easy lol. Viking has to develop a whole new chip board, operation software, "such as" new macro boot loader & timeline editor. Everything is new not to mention the old macro is a two part setup kit and the LEDs wouldent work and regaurdles the old macro is built for a cg2 controller board and the new Xbox on is a two part CG style board. The price tag u mentioned won't flip out! U will have to pay a lot more money than what u mentioned my friend. Technology isn't cheep. U want the best u have to pay for the best. I'm 1000% positive viking will be more than fair with the new price tag of their new creation.
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