Viking Berserker Paddles?


Should i get the XB1 Berserker with or without paddles, i've heard with paddles i cannot use stereo headset adapter, then i heard that if i dont like the paddles i can remove them myself... i want the paddles so bad its a bummer i cant have best of both worlds :(


ModdingBros Representative
I'd go with paddles. There is a toutorial in here that's as simple as shaving the sterio puck with a razor blade to make the sterio adapter fit. Very easy to adapt the puck!


also having trouble downloading the windows app for berserker... downloaded the winzip file don't know what to do from there


ModdingBros Representative
Send a private message to Jim walker and ask him if he has media file of his puck mod or if he can walk u through shaving the steruo puck. I can't find the link but Jim knows how to do this.

As for your other question I can't Awnser that. I Dont know! Maybe a staff member can answer it. I'll just point u in the right direction!


Active Member
Go with the paddles, here is a copy of my post from a few months ago showing how to deal with your concerns.

I have worked on making the NEW chat adapter fit the berserker, I have drawn an image of what I did with a description ... hope its enough .... 20140318_093944 (500x375) (2).jpg

If you take care, the paddles still look perfect ..... take care when creating the concaved area on the adapter not to expose the innards (very gently does it !!!)

I used a Dremel stylus modelling tool with a small sander attachment, not difficult, but care MUST be taken to avoid removing too much material.

It now fits and works perfectly, paddles look untouched and original .....

This my solution to the issue, you may have your own, PM me if you need more info ....
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Active Member
Yeah I see myself messing it up i'll just wait until Viking can get a fix before I order...

Not sure if a "fix" is even possible at build level, everything is fitted so precisely that relocating the paddles to accommodate the adapter, well, personally I don't think its possible, so adapting the adapter itself is the only option ... perhaps you have a friend that is a little more adept at such things and would do it for you ? It would be a shame to lose out on the berserker because of this, if you were in the UK, I would be happy to do it, so have a re think, you won't regret it .....


Not sure if a "fix" is even possible at build level, everything is fitted so precisely that relocating the paddles to accommodate the adapter, well, personally I don't think its possible, so adapting the adapter itself is the only option ... perhaps you have a friend that is a little more adept at such things and would do it for you ? It would be a shame to lose out on the berserker because of this, if you were in the UK, I would be happy to do it, so have a re think, you won't regret it .....
if you can... it be easier if I see a tutorial video.. possible if you upload it to a youtube channel?
be much appreciated!