Viking Macro:Led working/not??Power on/Not??


New Member
Ok let me try to explaine this...

First i got this control in apil and yesterday i try to turn my control on and i see no lights turn on so i leave it to charge.
Then i wake up today no light it plays just not charges??Then i get 2 AA and see if that fixes the problem with the lights nope,it wont even let me plug it on my pc so im stuck with the mods i set on it..I can use the mods but after i take steps as in turn xbox on take battery and cord off then replug...
Also i havent updated it since april i dont know if that helps also anyway to fix this?Also if i take the battery pac off then only place the cord a bright light shows but then goes off?Even with batterys new it doesnt get bright only this way??


Active Member
epicstyle said:
Ok let me try to explaine this...

First i got this control in apil and yesterday i try to turn my control on and i see no lights turn on so i leave it to charge.
Then i wake up today no light it plays just not charges??Then i get 2 AA and see if that fixes the problem with the lights nope,it wont even let me plug it on my pc so im stuck with the mods i set on it..I can use the mods but after i take steps as in turn xbox on take battery and cord off then replug...
Also i havent updated it since april i dont know if that helps also anyway to fix this?Also if i take the battery pac off then only place the cord a bright light shows but then goes off?Even with batterys new it doesnt get bright only this way??

Your post is very confusing.

Do this for me. Get a play and charge kit and fresh new AA batteries.

Take the batteries out. Hold start on the controller, - keep holding. Insert the batteries. 2 Pink-Blue-White LEDs should come on. If they do not, take the batteries out, hold start, insert the batteries and repeat until they do.

Plug the controller into the computer when the 2 LEDs light up.

Follow the directions here and download / install the new firmware. ... back-moves


New Member
Ok did everything you asked here is the problem.
1.LED's work on the control but once i try to plug the plug and play it dont work and leds turn off.
Things that are failing.

The plug and play led stoped showing green but and it dont charge the battery pack.
It lets me play with the plug just not charge.

On my pc it shows the ding sound that it is connected but sometimes i get that the drive is unkown or it just wont do anything.

The led on the cord went out first then the battery died then it wouldnt work on my pc.

Tryed fresh new batterys tryed the video on youtube on how to update and your help but nothing worked.
Also im useing what came with this controler not a new plug and play ill go buy a new one and see it that works if not then it must be the controler.


Active Member
epicstyle said:
Ok did everything you asked here is the problem.
1.LED's work on the control but once i try to plug the plug and play it dont work and leds turn off.
Things that are failing.

The plug and play led stoped showing green but and it dont charge the battery pack.
It lets me play with the plug just not charge.

On my pc it shows the ding sound that it is connected but sometimes i get that the drive is unkown or it just wont do anything.

The led on the cord went out first then the battery died then it wouldnt work on my pc.

Tryed fresh new batterys tryed the video on youtube on how to update and your help but nothing worked.
Also im useing what came with this controler not a new plug and play ill go buy a new one and see it that works if not then it must be the controler.

This very much sounds like a faulty play and charge kit. Yes, please go purchase a new one, and remember to use BRAND NEW AA batteries! This can be the problem when plugging it in to the computer.


Active Member
epicstyle said:
Ok did everything you asked here is the problem.
1.LED's work on the control but once i try to plug the plug and play it dont work and leds turn off.
Things that are failing.

The plug and play led stoped showing green but and it dont charge the battery pack.
It lets me play with the plug just not charge.

On my pc it shows the ding sound that it is connected but sometimes i get that the drive is unkown or it just wont do anything.

The led on the cord went out first then the battery died then it wouldnt work on my pc.

Tryed fresh new batterys tryed the video on youtube on how to update and your help but nothing worked.
Also im useing what came with this controler not a new plug and play ill go buy a new one and see it that works if not then it must be the controler.

Do you have another Xbox 360 controller laying around? If so then run a quick test of your PnC cable just to make your theory solid about the PnC cable being bad.
Because if the cable works on another controller; then the problem maybe with your Macro controller. I would guess that maybe the D+ and D- traces forgot to get cut
during the instal. Which would explain these problems you are encountering.