wondering when my controllers going to get here

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New Member
I ordered my controller the other day and paid for overnight shipping its not here yet just wondering cause my credit card was accepted any help would be appreciated thank u...


New Member
i think i messed my order up pls help!

My address is the same as it is on the credit card but the apartment numbers different could that be why my order isn't here yet cause it says its still processing and I paid the 62 dollars for overnight delivery my girl stays in the apt on the card I stay across the courtyard do I need to reorder or will it come here or go to her apartment?


New Member
i updated my information...w

I just updated my address because I used mine instead of the one that was on the card will that make a difference or do I have to reorder again?


ModdingBros Leader
You should be fine just in the future dont make multiple threads over the same problem. Thanks. Wait for Odin to confirm this as Im not the owner of this company or associated with them in any way just a regular customer.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I remember seeing this ticket some through the system, I'll go over to the ticket system and answer. Closing this thread.
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