Recent content by DM RoseTyler

  1. D

    I want to make a advanced macro tutorial!
  2. D


    Although I only said that stuff because I was really ****ed off and was frustrated cuz it wouldn't turn on, i'm not lying, the controller has been out for a year and the tutorials are less than helpful. and maybe for CoD, pushing RT 100 times is easy to make, but I wanted to make a fighting game...
  3. D

    controller barely works

    so the controller can only go into a red startup mode when it's low battery but can't connect to the xbox? what is the point in that???
  4. D

    controller barely works

    I haven't even used the controller often at all and it already doesn't work, when I start up the controller in "programming mode" lol, it has 2 red lights instead of the blue ones and doesn't let me add any macros. and even when it did let me add macros on the first day, they were always...
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    I'm not trying to be a **** or anything but the controller isn't that great and I have so little patience for it any more and I could sell it and invest in a gaming PC instead.
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    Oh kai I see, I'll just sell it then, thx
  7. D


    Can you get a full refund on the macro controllers? meaning the p&p or what?
  8. D

    First use impressions from a new user

    when I type in, what I assume most people would, "Xbox 360 Macro Controller", that video doesn't even come up top 10 search on youtube, I wouldn't look past the 1st page, and the "review" videos that come up in place to basically advertise, are gutter trash and don't inspire me to buy a...
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    First use impressions from a new user

    I can't believe I bought from vikingdigital thanks to a year old post, FML I wanted golden buttons :/
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    First use impressions from a new user

    Also double post but out of 100% curiosity, why can't the Vikingdigital website let you customise your macro like Viking360 can? I read in a post that vikingdigital is for outside of the USA so I used that but there was no option for custom buttons or anything :/
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    First use impressions from a new user

    Why don't you create a GOOD youtube video as advertisement, that people might randomly see and be like, cool I might check this out, I found this controller by specifically looking for the controller and seeing Viking360 mentioned in the 5th page of some forum. You could demonstrate how it works...
  12. D

    Macro Tutorials?

    it hasn't happened since I downloaded the newer version of the timeline editor so I hope it was that.
  13. D

    Macro Tutorials?

    Dude what's the deal with me needing to send my macro to the controller like 9 times before it's actually on it? its slowing down the process like crazy..
  14. D

    Macro Tutorials?

    I got pretty frustrated with the inconsistency so I just took a break from trying untill tomorrow, I won't give up untill I can get an 100% just frame, I know it's possible because I've seen macro videos of people doing it, they just don't tell you how
  15. D

    Macro Tutorials?

    The record - playback works excellently, if the controller couldn't do that for the timeline editor, I'd never have gotten close to how I am supposed to lay out the moves in tekken, although i tried to fine tune the EWGF (just frame move) it wasn't 100% consistent, sometimes it would do the...