Recent content by whoa044

  1. W


    I believe there were some jitter mods up before the current macro library.. I wasn't sure whether or not the different names of the jitter macros (M16, Famas, etc.) actually had varying timelines or not, but they didn't work well with the striker. I rememeber on the odin's raven, the jitter was...
  2. W

    Latest Software/Firmware

    Software I can agree that the software will get better with each update. This version fixed the problem of freezing up. I'm looking forward to some extending of macro editing software. Things like scrolling through macros on one switch, and maybe a changed timeline editor look, maybe something...
  3. W

    Latest Software/Firmware

    Awesome.........sauce! These were the problems I had. I'd load up some macros. Then, just by clicking a few switches, it'd freeze up! I found the only solution to be re-uploading macros to the controller numerous times. Along with that, I had a problem where some random tac switches wouldn't...
  4. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    Some new mods! I tried the rapid fire akimbo from the macro library. It barely worked for the trigger, or tac switch. I tried both. I wrote my own macro here, which works VERY well. (for me at least): [attachment=2:ut7cj5cb]Akimbo Rapid Fire.vkm[/attachment:ut7cj5cb]It works extremely well with...
  5. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    Color Macro In order for color macros to work, you need at least one button in the timeline. I prefer putting a 0.05 seconds of a trigger, but setting it to 0. So I did that, and tested them out. The rainbow macro: The change in colors is somewhat noticeable in LEDs 1, 2, and 3. LED 4 has...
  6. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    Halo Reach You'd have to recommend some; I haven't played it for a few weeks.
  7. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    DANCE MOVES [attachment=0:tgutygch]Dance.vkm[/attachment:tgutygch] This is a faster version of riot shield dance. For a fist pump dance, put riot shield on back, and use this macro (hold it down) [attachment=1:tgutygch]Riot Shield Dance.vkm[/attachment:tgutygch] Have a riot shield in your...
  8. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    Follow the instructions on "The Viking Software" under downloads. Then use the software, open the macros in it, assign them to a button, and click the button that looks like a computer.
  9. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    Easier to access links of above macros: [attachment=2:1h8hio51]Intervention Fast Reload.vkm[/attachment:1h8hio51] [attachment=1:1h8hio51]G-Shot.vkm[/attachment:1h8hio51] [attachment=0:1h8hio51]360spin 7sens.vkm[/attachment:1h8hio51] (Sensetivity 7)
  10. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    I'm creating dance moves now :)
  11. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    I might work on a fast riot shield mod, so there's no wait between the two hits. In other words, you don't have to wait to hit them a second time.
  12. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    It's a little slow, might turn it up to 10 bags per second
  13. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    Some more... Bedfordx macros: [attachment=0:2hodpgae]360spin 7sens.vkm[/attachment:2hodpgae] [attachment=1:2hodpgae]G-Shot.vkm[/attachment:2hodpgae] [attachment=2:2hodpgae]Intervention Fast Reload.vkm[/attachment:2hodpgae]
  14. W

    Temporary Macro Library

    PLEASE UPLOAD ALL MACROS TO THE MACRO LIBRARY LOCATED AT: I will leave this post here in case the macro library goes down. -Blackburn WILL ADD DANCE MOVES So while the actual macro library is underway, I thought I'd start a thread...
  15. W

    akimbo mode?

    I instantly tried akimbo mode with 10x multiplier -_- I have to try the 3x multiplier