Since odingalt mail was full but its a general question and thanks


New Member
odingalt said:
Welcome to the Viking forums!

Hey thanks -
I did have one question about the macro controller that, undoubtedly, I'll know when it get here... but is the 360guide button able to be put into a macro? I understand if not, being that even tapping it even under normal conditions can cause delay in the window opening. I checked the forums and didn't really see anything on it.

I ask because it's something I might need for one my interests in having purchased the controller. For automating mundane repeat achievements such as "Win 1000 matches", etc.

Either way, I hope to bring something extra to the community with macros that will aid in obtaining the obscure achievements. One of my first goals is creating a macro for that stupid 100% a halftime achievement on BCFX.

Thanks again


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Actually, it is :) And the guide button does show up on the timeline editor. Why? I have absolutely no reason, but we do wire to it on the macro controller so we decided to include it in the timeline editor. Just in case we got a weird request!

So you CAN include the guide button in a macro. You just can't assign a macro to the guide button.


New Member
So you CAN include the guide button in a macro. You just can't assign a macro to the guide button.

Beautiful! I hadn't any interest in making it into a macro starting button, but being able to put it's function into a macro is exactly what I was hoping for. My day just got a bit brighter! :D


ModdingBros Representative
Yea the macro controller is just awsome! Every funtion on the controller can be used even start & select. Some people even made macros where u can acess your netflex from power up start with the press of a tac switch! There are few limitations with the software but u can almost create anything your mind can think of. Truly awsome controller. Best console controller ever made actually! (In my opinion.)
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