manymods jitter


ModdingBros Representative
got to play around today and made a jitter that's close to my manymods jitter. I have software to detect algarithems in mods and was able to see how manymods made their jitter. They use a XYXY technique. With good old fashon trial by error I came up with this. Try it out and let me know what u think.

Yes as well weapon switching is unprdictible as in manymods jitter. best bet is to unload your whole clip. I still have a lot more to do to get it up to manymods speed but with more time I will get it. In the mean time try messing with the multiplier to see if it can improve. It works great online as well.


  • manymods.vkm
    560 bytes · Views: 15
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ModdingBros Representative
I'm getting close to getting the timming right I just don't have anytime to make mods. I got a base line which is this setting using combomax with my manymods chip. I just need more time to fine tune the spacings and multiplier. My connection is ok the first few bullets lagg then it starts to pick yo for me.


ModdingBros Representative
I'll post it up some time today. Its my b day today so I'm pretty bussy and yesterday my best friend got married. I just have to get on my laptop when I get back home then I'll upload it. Its still not quite as steady as manymods but if u tween with the multiplier I'm sure u can find the sweet spot.


ModdingBros Representative
so this is what I have so far. It studders sometimes but is a big improvement. I have nearly no to to work on this stuff anymore but I will try to assisit whenever I can. Let me know if its ok for u. U should be ale to tinker around with this to get it just right.


  • manymods.vkm
    544 bytes · Views: 22


Well-Known Member
I wonder if they bring the game on the xbox one if these jitters will work? Hope they don't rework it to take out like the new games did.