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  1. R

    A good alternative on Xbox One?

    Must be great cuz it is sold out everywhere...Sigh
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    A good alternative on Xbox One?

    Quick question...Why do you consider this better than the Titan Two?
  3. R

    A good alternative on Xbox One?

    Ok cool. I will check it out. Thanks.
  4. R

    Macro editing software v0.9.0.0 download link...

    Yeah I now have a ton of time on my hands and I was thinking of making some macros. Just not sure if I have the latest version of the software. Is this the last version? I try to update from the app and it tells me to check my internet. I am sure that is due to the sever being down. if this is...
  5. R

    A good alternative on Xbox One?

    So I was wondering. Anyone know a good alternative option since we can't get Viking controllers? btw...Still love my Berserker 360.
  6. R

    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    Congrats on the little one. Just like everyone at Viking we appreciate all your love and work you put into Viking. We wish only the best as well.
  7. R

    Viking360 Macro LEDs Wont Show When On Please Help

    I was able to get mine on with the data cable that came with my controller. Thank you storm for all the help.
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    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    I have no doubt that would be the case.
  9. R

    Viking360 Macro LEDs Wont Show When On Please Help

    Oh nice to know I was right. Cool feature I think. So you are saying I can just plug the controller into the data cable that came with it and use that or an actual plug and play cable? Cuz I think I tried that at one point with the data cable it came with and it didn't work.
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    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    I am happy for your personal success. I can't say that I am happy about the loss of Viking controllers. I was planning to treat myself to at Xbox One Berzerker for Xmas this year. This year has been a bit rough so I deserved a treat. I have been very happy with my Macro 360 controller so it was...
  11. R

    Viking360 Macro LEDs Wont Show When On Please Help

    I have something similar going on though I am not concerned to much. It seems to be working like a battery indicator. When I put fresh batteries in the LEDs are bright green and then as they dim down they go to red, to orange, to yellow and then fading to black. I just assumed this was a feature.
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    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    Nothing but love...
  13. R

    WHERE ARE YOU VIKING ????????????????

    Yeah I hope everyone is ok. I do love my Viking Controller.
  14. R

    Xbox One S controller

    Not as far as I know.
  15. R

    Controller software issues

    Me? Nothing. Just prefer to know solutions should it happen in the future is all.
  16. R

    Controller software issues

    Can you tell us how you got it working in case someone else runs into this problem please?
  17. R

    Xbox 1 Berserker out of stock???

    I think MS just answered your customizing prayers. lol You guys cracked one of these open yet?
  18. R

    Xbox One S controller

    You do know they also came out with the Gears 4 Elite right? Just sayin...
  19. R

    Happy Holidays!

    Happy Freakin New Year!!!