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  1. K

    New gamertag any ideas

    Hey guys im getting a new gamertag. what should it be
  2. K


    I just said ben because he said he was in uk and it is a bunch for shipping costs overseas
  3. K


    you would wanna hit up ben
  4. K

    Headset Question

    ok so ax pro vs astro a40s? which one should i get
  5. K

    Could I get some reviews?

    Re: ANSWER MY QUESTION!! >:( if you have any more questions post on this thread because we will answer. do not post a new thread for another question
  6. K

    Someone hacked my email and se7ensins account

    haha its funny how the guy that hacked my account also hacked se7ensins and stickied his scamming jtag selling forum on the top of the page(only administrators can stickie)
  7. K

    Someone hacked my email and se7ensins account

    so imagine i see that you have the astro a30s. are they any good? im thinking about getting the a40s but how good do the a30s compare?
  8. K

    Someone hacked my email and se7ensins account

    seems i had a prepaid credit card on the account and i can give them the full digits too. :D I hope i F%$@ this guy over sooooo bad
  9. K

    Someone hacked my email and se7ensins account

    Eh doesn't bother me too much since I didn't have anything on there but is there any way to change the email on your xbl profile?
  10. K

    Someone hacked my email and se7ensins account

    Hey guys someone hacked my email and se7ensins account. im not really sure what to do. the email was and it didnt have any credit cards or anything on it, but he changed the password and did the same thing on se7ensins. is there anything i can really do? or do i have to make...
  11. K

    all in one for right tac(raven only) idea

    or you could do something like set the bumpers to change sps and set either right trigger or right tact (depending on what preset you have) to test the fire rate.
  12. K

    Paypal is so stupid

    I got my paypal limited for buying pinheaders from china. i bought a couple things from china like pinheaders and connectors and they were all under 5 dollars. 3 orders i think. and paypal limited my account. the message said something like we have suspicion that a third party is has had access...
  13. K

    my mod lights are flashing? help!

    That has happened to me before. i just reprogrammed it. also make sure you check the allow word configuration box too
  14. K

    COD WAW Rapid Fire Speed Settings

    use the waw speed. i dont know how it works but with the preset they get past the 11 sps block and its like 13 or something. but it doesnt work in the user programmable setting. just use the waw preset
  15. K

    New Controller

    estimated time of arrival
  16. K

    K so my sync button is broke.Where Do I solder this wire??

    Where do you live that it cost 80 dollars to ship a small lightweight controller. even if it was overseas?
  17. K

    mod help

    Use flux. Flux will clean the solder points and make the solder and the wire stick better to the solder pad
  18. K

    K so my sync button is broke.Where Do I solder this wire??

    Well dont down viking360. If you would have read everything when you bought the controller then you would have known that viking has a 90 day or so warranty. You could have sent your controller back to odin to get fixed for free, but its too late now because you opened the controller. this voids...
  19. K

    A Button + Sync Problems

    Hey i know a lot of you guys have been having problems on your sleepers when you press a and then the sync to change modes. this causes many of your controllers to unsync. I have tested it a little bit in game but it seems when you let go of the a button right after you tap the sync then it...