Exactly why you are of "Useful Poster" status! You deserve it!
The macro controller is just too hard. No one understands anything but to put macros on their controller. Most people don't even understand that!
Yep. Jitter works on Black Ops, Call of duty 4, MW2, WaW.
And I can show you a little bit of anti-recoil if you download http://www.teamviewer.com/en/index.aspx
We have a very low percentage amount of controllers that break. You won't see everyone that buys a controller. Say we sell 150. 2 don't work. You won't see we sold 150, just that 2 didn't work. You'll then think we have a lot that break - when actually we don't. Sometimes things break. You also...
Refer to these macros:
Well, seeing as though your controller is out of the three month warranty, we can fix it for a price.
If you returned it within 3 months, we'd have fixed it for free. Now we can repair it for a price.
Are you also implying that your controller not working a year later is our fault? Based on...
Your error is this:
-.vks -.vkm
To open a (.vks, a full macro set,) press the folder icon on the software. To open a .vkm (1 macro), press a button (tac switch, RT), then press "open macro"
We can look into adding those features! No send-ins now, most likely we won't offer them because we can't trust that your controller will be of high enough quality. We only use brand-new controllers.
I've been preaching to odingalt the difficulties of the macro - and that it should just be sold as a huge premium. Which is exactly what we are doing now. The macro controller will keep rising in price for those who really want it, and for 90% of others, the Ragnaroks are available for both PS3...
The macro controller is not sold out. You just have to buy it from viking360.com
I'm still waiting on my version of the 360 Ragnarok for testing. It's being built this weekend. Remember that I am NYjetsNY1 (New York), and Viking is in Washington state. So I have to wait a bit for the rag to...