Search results

  1. B

    Legacy Akimbo

    I've tried to re-create the way akimbo worked on the old legacy controllers with out any luck. On the old controllers if you aimed down the sight with the left trigger while pulling right trigger, the akimbo effect was canceled out. With the new macro controllers I have been unable to...
  2. B

    Tac Switches

    Does anyone a the Digikey part number for some Tac switches? It's such a pain search through 1000's of switches to find these things. Thanks for the help in advance.
  3. B

    Black Ops Zombie Window Fix returning?

    I thought at one time there was a mode that that would let you tap the 'X' and it would hold the button on for 7 seconds or something like that. I don't think it ever made it to the custom editor. Will it return when the correct speed for the Black-Ops is released?
  4. B

    Update an old download

    Me and couple friends like (and still use) the old 5-mode plus sniper (Raven). The down side is it doesn't have akimbos. When sniping we like using G18 akimbo. It would be nice to see the current 'works' with sniper mode on the left instead of the re-load glitches. A 7-mode plus sniper. It...
  5. B

    MW2 - 3 round burst guns (FAMAS)

    Is there any chance that the assault rifles with the 3-round burst can be improved? It would be nice if the firing rate could be improved.