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  1. Porcupine

    I was wondering what that number meant.

    I was wondering what that number meant.
  2. Porcupine

    customer support controller issue...

    It's not a solution to your situation, but I side with Viking on this issue. There is little they can do about stock Microsoft controllers wearing out over time, whether it is from natural use or inferior stock controllers. This is unfortunately one of the dangers and problems with buying a very...
  3. Porcupine

    Is the macro controller frame-perfect?

    Thanks for the great responses, guys. When timeline multiplier is set to 1.00, each "hash mark" in the timeline editor is worth 0.01 seconds. The timeline multiplier can be increased to 10.00, which makes each hash mark worth 0.001 seconds. If I'm not mistaken, from your own words here it...
  4. Porcupine

    Is the macro controller frame-perfect?

    I am new and currently wondering if the Viking360 Macro Controller is for me. What I need is a programmable controller than can execute macros with frame-perfect precision. I only play games that for whatever reason are not too popular with the masses. I play many of them at a fairly masterful...