A few suggestions.


New Member

I've got some suggestions ive been thinking about.

1. Akimbo Jitter mod - i know the current Jitter works when you pull both triggers on the raffica but i think it'd be great if you only had to pull one like with akimbo mode.

2. Akimbo weapon fast reload - im pretty sure that all akimbo weapons have the same reload time, but i would really like to see an akimbo fast reload mode.

3. Infinite care package glitch mode - i know some people would disagree but an infinite care package mode wouldnt be so hard, its only climbing onto something then pressing right on the dpad at the right time.

So what do you guys think?


New Member
1. can be done jitter isnt used much i think tho so they might not make

2. if it shows the ammo re appear at the bottom right corner b4 the animation is done reloading it will work.

3. can be done but each obsticle u press A over has a different time till u just reach the top to do the glitch and i dont think the viking 360 does d pad movements. it might.


New Member
care package glitch has already been fixed on pc and ps3, xbox 360 gonna be fixed soon. and the timing is different for each obstacle, so the controller would somehow have to be able to recognize the object's size and adjust the coding accordingly, which is impossible