Akimbo Spray Black Ops

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Ok I downloaded the akimbo spray mod to my viking and assigned it to Right Tac Switch 3 (farthest 1 on the bottom right side, in case its not an admin or support person that replies). I played a game with it using Akimbo Pythons and Akimbo M1911. Whenever I hit the tac switch it unloads the clip on my right gun as if I had rapid fire on it. However, my left gun fires 1 bullet when my right gun fires and then fires another bullet once my right gun is empty for a total of 8 bullets being fired. 6 from my right gun and 2 from my left. Meaning my left gun is not exactly akimbo spraying lol. I used the search box and found an MW2 akimbo spray page but not one for black ops. Im not sure if this is maybe treyarchs way of a possible patch on akimbo spray or if its just the mod I downloaded. Whoever replies to this take your time I am still have loads of fun with my controller, my jitter-dropshot-rapidfire-and turbo knife mod all work great. Thanks again to anyone who replies and gets involved in fixing my problem.
Just so people visiting this area of the forum the problem has been solved. Go to viewtopic.php?f=45&t=2417 listed above from Jets and download the macro labeled 9.9sps for tac switch.
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