analog stick


New Member
i need help adjusting my left analog stick , when im just standing still i slowly move forward and its getting very annoying is there a macro or something i can do to fix it?


New Member
Could be something stuck in the stick itself.
This would happen to me once in a while with my older (non modded) controllers.

Sometimes it would be that the right trigger was holding itself down (not physically), and sometimes the left trigger was going up. But I solved it by playing around with them, or even resetting it.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I don't think this is a software issue, it sounds like a hardware issue, it if keeps doing it would have to arrange for a free return and replacement :-(


New Member
This happens to a lot of people when they drop their controller on the floor and it lands on one of the analog sticks. I actually just bought a new controller at Best Buy the other day and when I'd press the analog to the left and slowly let go it would get stuck and I can see my guy in MW2 slightly moving to the left. Some games are more sensitivity to this but all i had to do was break in the controller so i played a few hours with it and it no longer does this to me.


Active Member
LoveKillzSlowly said:
This happens to a lot of people when they drop their controller on the floor and it lands on one of the analog sticks. I actually just bought a new controller at Best Buy the other day and when I'd press the analog to the left and slowly let go it would get stuck and I can see my guy in MW2 slightly moving to the left. Some games are more sensitivity to this but all i had to do was break in the controller so i played a few hours with it and it no longer does this to me.
also if you play with it for a long time it will do this with my raven i have never dropped it but it does that


New Member
Actually that's true because I have this one controller that was doing it after always playing COD so much for almost a year. It could also be because I am always pressing the left stick to run in that game that even my left thumb with hurt from pressing in the left stick so much/so hard. I've never had the right thumbstick go bad though.