ModdingBros Representative
So I have had some people contact me and show me video of a guy doing a snake like glitch for BF4. Its like a kneel postiton snake glide. The problem with this is no kill can play back. It will take 2 people communicating with one another to crack this. Basically need a second set of eyes. If anyone is interested hit my GT up WHITE 4ND N3RDY ON XB1 on weekends. I Dont own a berserker but I have my own chips and I know how to formulate my settings to the timelines u use. Let me know if anyone is up for the challenge.
As anyone who knows snake glitching the operator cannot tell if it is working only the spectators can see it. It will take communication to tackle this. I really would like to see this glitch go public!
As anyone who knows snake glitching the operator cannot tell if it is working only the spectators can see it. It will take communication to tackle this. I really would like to see this glitch go public!