Buying Halo Reach


Useful Poster
If you wanted to buy halo reach cheap, you should have bought it at best buy or walmart the first couple days. they gave away 20 dollar gift cards with it


No, that's never how those things work. If you bought 2 you could use the first one on the second game. It's meant to make you come back and buy more stuff, hopefully more than that $20 they gave you.


Yep, pretty much. The idea is that you'll come back and hopefully buy something expensive, like a computer, using the card for money off. If you don't come back, then they only lose the $0.10 that the giftcard cost them to make. If they gave you $20 off the game up front they'd sell tons of them, but with nothing to make the custumer want to come back and buy something else and they'd lose the $20 extra they could have charged for the game.