can anyone help me fix this issue?(PS3andcod?)


Active Member
ok so im trying to install an update for MAG(Massive Action Game(256 players in ONE match)) and i download the update but it just freezes at 25%........

i have enough space for the DL
i have tried using a wired connection instaid of wireless.........

can anyone throw any ideas on how to fix this out there for me?


Useful Poster
I would try looking online for the update and downloading to a usb, then updating via the usb. or did sony disable all the usbs because of the jailbreak


Active Member
this cant work.......because the download comes from the server........zipper interactive uses dedicated servers......however if you do come across a dl link for 2.10 send it to me


Try connecting the internet directly... I sometimes get something like that when my internet isn't working right. I don't have MAG though, so not sure on this one...


Active Member
PS3andCOD said:
Try connecting the internet directly... I sometimes get something like that when my internet isn't working right. I don't have MAG though, so not sure on this one...
like through CAT5?(ethernet cable)......because i have tried that.....i also compleatly reset my PS3 and formated the HDD(i have downloaded gamesaves anyways) and i still get the same problem.