Cod WaW Snake Mod


New Member
Hi, I looked around and didn't see anything for Snaking in WaW. One of my friends has a modded controller that lets you snake in Cod5. I was wondering if you could make this, snaking is really fun :D.

Oh and if you don't know what I'm talking about check this video out:


New Member
this just made me lol

i would love to see this feature.

Too bad its not for mw2 as well tho =[


New Member
ya it's not hard to snake but instead of wearing out my thumbsticks it'd be nice to hold a button down lol


New Member
Looks funny and it also looks like it would give you a dis-advantage. It'd be nice to have the option.. but I don't see how it's needed with the dropshot mod :p


New Member
If somebody could make this driver, I might actually pay them lol. Since there's already a dropshot mode, this should be really easy to make. All snaking is, is pressing the crouch/prone button (B) and the sprint button (LS) simultaneously. Only hard part of making this would be the timing of pressing the 2 buttons.


Active Member
apcoop7 said:
If somebody could make this driver, I might actually pay them lol. Since there's already a dropshot mode, this should be really easy to make. All snaking is, is pressing the crouch/prone button (B) and the sprint button (LS) simultaneously. Only hard part of making this would be the timing of pressing the 2 buttons.
Mhmm i think this could work on an odins raven but not on a hammer.....the programming I would say is
slot 2 if you hold left tac(like the way quickscope mode for left tac works) it pushes B and LS ?


New Member
You know what would be better? Pushing the left tactical button to sprint, so you wouldn't have to push in the stick. :)