Compared Jitters?


New Member
I absolutely love the Viking Macro, compared to any other controller out there, the USB programmable is great. It really is the only controller you'll every need, but what i don't understand is (odin, white and nerdy or matt might be able to answer my issues) but, I don't understand why the preset speeds of other controllers like, ManyMods, 68 mode of theirs, or Ragnarok of Vikings' Jitters are faster than most Macros i've seen. I've made them fast as possible, and have actually had help with other owners of macros, but still can't get that every-shot-silent shot of a preset speed. Any ideas, anyone? I've used all of the jitters in the Library, and i've tried other peoples, and have noticed that my own, which i can customize to what works best for me and with my connection are faster than anything else i've tried, but why can't they shoot like the preset? is there a way of making a .vks macro from the preset speeds of another controller?

I don't really know what i'm trying to say here, lol. but any input from anyone sounds good.

thanks guys.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
It's all in your head.

Over the years we've heard complaints that legacy (Hammer and Raven) jitter was slowest. We've also hear that Raven jitter is the best. We've also heard that Ragnarok jitter is the best after the latest update. We've also hear that various jitter macros are the best. Or that they are all the worst. Or that XYZ mod is better. Or XYZ mod is worst.

Inter connection/game lag and even the version of console you are running (some newer consoles literally could have more RAM or newer better GPU) or even controller lag or how many microwave ovens and other 2.4 Ghz equipment is installed in your house can all affect the performance of a mod. Hell if I installed two Ragnarok modchips side by side in two controllers one could be slightly faster than the other one due to manufacturing tolerances in Microsofts controllers.
I have a godfather modded controller, and the jitter is slower, my ragnarok jitter is the slowest of all, and my macro Jitter is the fastest.

I think there's a few factors that play into all this, but I use a XYY Medium jitter I found on the forums on my macro controller and that thing is smoking fast, before it got patched it was like a blunderbuss, anybody standing Infront of it got decimated by 3-4 shots in a second.
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