DIY Ground Point question

BNMaG Modder

New Member
I have just resently bought a DIY kit and was wondering where a good place would be to solder the ground (-) point on the controller to the chip. thanx ;)
(And yes i do use the wireless battery pak and want to e able to charge it. I also am using the audio jack thing for the usb.)


Where you solder the trigger wires there are 3 points in a line, you solder the trigger wire to the centre one and then the one below it (closest the rumble pack thing) is a ground point, on both sides.

BNMaG Modder

New Member
THANK YOU I have been looking for something like this reply for hours. YOU ROCK! :mrgreen:
(also is the one above the middle one the + point?) (If not where could i find a + point?)


Ok on the back of the board at the top:


Negative is the last point, Positive is the 3rd from the end.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Now of course what he described applies to CG and CG2... the matrix type circuit boards are actually 'up side down' from that.