does any body know how to make an fastest rapid fir and aim at the same time


i keep trying to mak it but when i put the aim part on one of modding bros fastest rapid fires it just doesnt aim and shoot right it keeps mod blocking can someone make and aim and shoot please im using mk14 with modding bros rapidfire


ModdingBros Leader
I can try tonight no guarantees though. For some reason certain things mess up rapid fires some times.


New Member
On RT? it'll be a nuisance.... I'd suggest putting it on a tac switch or left trigger... I dont fully undesrtand why but often if you assign LT to be pressed while assigned to RT it will botch in some way, you also might be assigning the LT to be held too long, which would delay the fire rate as well


oh i think your right because other modded controllers use LT for the mod i used rt so im gonna try it on lt ill get back to yall later
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ModdingBros Leader
I totally forgot about this one. Im sorry I need like a macro list haha. Anyways will try making one soon.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I would just stick with the standard rapidfire from the macro library. The modding bros stuff is over-rated in my opinion. Some customers will rage at how amazing it is, but more often than not, the macro doesn't even work for all customers. The macros uploaded by staff to the macro library are tested for the best compatibility for all customers. In other words your mileage may vary with the "unofficial" rapidfire macros.


ModdingBros Leader
By the way Odin we made a macro that did this and it is in testing. Will upload soon sorry I didnt update the thread. The reason it wasnt working was because you were not making the LT correctly. As for the modding bros rapid fire its still there and this would of happened with any rapid fire not just the mine. By the way can you please give me a thread to a problem with the modding bros rapid fire as I am trying to make it as stable as I can and would love to see the problems behind it. I havent personally seen an issue but would love to work on something if theres something wrong with it.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I'm not even sure specifically which rapidfire it is, but over the months I've seen a new "Awesomer faster lee7ers amazinger" rapidfire come out ever week, and ever week there is a customer who swears it's faster and there is another customer who says it doesn't work at all lol. The fastest in my mind is still just the standard rapidfire macros from the library. I've tried everything and I haven't found a way to cheat the speed cap. I think customers dial in like 16 SPS and if it shoots at all they claim success and say they have fast rapidfire at 30SPS when in reality if you watch it in a video it's still just shooting at 7-8 SPS. It's realy hard to explain why some rapidfire macros will still work when "overdialed". Typically if you dial in "multiples" of the max speed... for example if the cap is 7.2 sps, then typically 14.4 and even 21.6 sps will also appear to work. Hard to explain the phenomena in the forums without charts and graphs lol. It basically has to do with sampling frequencies, aliasing, and even temperature variation affect on DAC's and even manufacturing tolerances in Microsofts controllers.

The moral of the story is on the COD games rapidfire works best down around the 6-12 SPS range depending on the gun and anything faster ain't gonna work.


ModdingBros Leader
I know what you mean man but personally I try to keep the macros down to a minimal and have uploaded two rapid fires up here on the forums. I have gotten tons a positive feedback on the most recent release. If you havent gave it a try I would love to have you give it a try and give me feedback especially with the MK14 Rapid fire attachment. Either way even if you dont like it, I would still love it.
Also ModdingBros has 3 rapid fires (2 for black ops 1 for MW3) that are featured and I personally feel that there is a reason behind it. Theres only 2 featured MW3 macros and one is mine.

Again thanks for this much feedback and I have now opened a thread hoping I get more feedback behind these macros as I never really asked that around here before.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
I haven't played around with 'em in a year so I am far from an expert, now that you are on the job I have no doubt the quality has improved! With your latest macros.